In the heart of India, nestled on the banks of the river Yamuna, lies the divine land of Vrindavan - a place where the divine and the mortal converge. This enchanting region has various tales and legends attributing to the etymology of its name. For centuries, Vrindavan has been a place of spiritual seeking, attracting pilgrims and devotees from far and wide who come to bask in the sacred aura that permeates its very essence.
The simplest understanding of this mystical word is ‘Vrinda ka van’, a gentle phrase that translates to the forest of Vrinda. In the ancient text of Brahma Vaivarta Puran, we find that Vrinda is one among the sixteen radiant names of Radharani. In this sacred scripture, Vrinda is revealed as one of the many facets of the beloved Radharani, the embodiment of divine love and beauty. As we gaze upon the word 'Vrindavan', we are transported to a realm where the whispers of the forest speak secrets of the heart, and where the beauty of Radharani's love shines like a radiant star in the firmament of the soul.
Rādhā sōdaśa nāmnām ca Vṛndanām śrutaḥ śrutam |
Tasyaha kṛīḍavanaṃ ramyaṃ tena Vrindāvanam smṛtam ||
(Brahma vaivarta puran)
Vrinda is one of the most radiant among the sixteen names of Radha. Hence, this place, where Radharani resides is named Vrindavan.
Another tale recounts that in Satya Yug, Sri Kedar Chakravorty, a king of unyielding faith, was blessed with a daughter by the benevolent hand of Goddess Lakshmi. And so, Vrinda, a name that would come to symbolize the very essence of Vrindavan, was born. Under the guidance of the venerable sage Durvasa, Vrinda underwent a profound initiation into the mysteries of Vishnu mantra, and her devotion only grew with each passing day. The Lord, pleased by her penance, accepted her as his own and took her to the celestial realm of Goloka Dham. There, she became an integral part serving as a trusted companion to Kishori ji Radharani, the beloved consort of Lord Krishna. As sakhi Vrinda, she played a pivotal role in the eternal dance of love and leela, her presence imbuing the divine play with an added layer of sweetness and devotion.
Aasti Vrindāvam yasyāstēna vrindāvāni smṛta |
Vrindāvānasya adhi devī, tene vayam prakīrtita ||
(Brahma vaivarta puran)
And hence Vrindavan is known by the name of its presiding devi Vrinda Devi.
"Vrindāvana sadaa vāsā nānā ke-li rasa-utsuka |
Ubhayor-milana-kankṣī taih prema paripluta ||"
(Ganaudesh Deepika shloka)
In the heart of Vrindavan, resides Vrinda Devi, a paragon of unconditional love. Her existence is a perpetual dance of devotion, as she is forever immersed in the celestial leela of the divine couple, Shrimati Radharani and Krishnachandra. Her soul is consumed by the ardent desire to unite the two beloveds, whose love is the very fabric of existence. And thus, Vrindavan, this divine land of love, has been named after Shrimati Radharani and her devoted sakhi, Vrinda.
Once Kishoriji Radharani said:
yatra vrindavana nasti na yatra yamunā nadi
yatra govardhana nasti, tatra me na manah sukham
"Where Vrindavana is not, and where Yamuna River is not, Where Govardhana hill is not, there is no happiness in my mind." This quote highlights the importance of Vrindavan as a place of spiritual solace.
In Varaha avatar, Sri Krishna said to Prithvi:
Vrindāvanam dwādasha-mānam Vrindāya parirakṣitam |
Mam chaiva priyam Bhūmah Sarva Pātaka Naṣaṇam ||
O Prithvi! This Vrindavan consisting of twelve forests is safeguarded by Vrinda Devi. This place is very dear to me and destroys all sins.
vanam vrindavanam nama pasavyam nava-kananam
gopa-gopi-gavam sevyam punyadri-trina-virudham
(Srimad Bhagavatam)
Between Nandisvara and Mahavana is a place named Vrindavana. This place is very suitable because it is lush with grass, plants and creepers for the cows and other animals. It has nice gardens and tall mountains and is full of facilities for the happiness of all the gopas and gopis and our animals.
vrindavanam su-gahanam visalam vistritam bahu
muninam asramaih purnam vanya-vrinda-samanvitam
(Skandha Puran, Mathura Khanda)
Vrindavana is very large and dense. It is filled with ashramas of sages. It is filled with beautiful creatures and flowers of the forest.
vṛndāvanaṁ sakhi bhuvo vitanoti kīṛtiṁ
yad devakī-suta-padāmbuja-labdha-lakṣmi
govinda-veṇum anu matta-mayūra-nṛtyaṁ
prekṣyādri-sānv-avaratānya-samasta- sattvam
(Srimad Bhagavatam)
Dear friends, our Vrindavana is proclaiming the glories of this entire earth because this planet is glorified by the lotus footprints of the son of Devaki. Besides that, when Govinda plays His flute, the peacocks immediately become mad. When all the animals and trees and plants, either on the top of Govardhana Hill or in the valley, see the dancing of the peacock, they all stand still and listen to the transcendental sound of the flute with great attention. We think that this boon is neither possible nor available on any other planet.
paramananda-kandakhyam maha-pataka-nasanam
In the Padma Purana, Nirvana-khanda, it is said:
Vrindavana is filled with transcendental bliss. It destroys the greatest sins. It ends all sufferings. Simply living within it grants liberation.

Vrindavan-On the banks of Yamuna